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Strategy Behind a digital transformation journey
Read more: Strategy Behind a digital transformation journeyWe discussed some time back about the digital transformation of a restaurant (Delightful foods). Delightful foods Owner, as a business owner must have evaluated certain options while to decide which digital transformation options are best suited for him and opted for assisted Tablet based ordering system. Let us try to understand from the strategic point
Digital Transformation: A Curious Case of a Restaurant’s Service Transformation
Read more: Digital Transformation: A Curious Case of a Restaurant’s Service TransformationA few months ago, I visited a restaurant with a colleague. It was fascinating to watch the waiter take orders from various tables, effortlessly inputting them into his tablet. We placed our order, assuming he’d head back to the kitchen to process it. To our surprise, our first dish arrived while he was still nearby.
The Purpose of Life – 7 tips to choose yours
Read more: The Purpose of Life – 7 tips to choose yoursThe purpose of life
Execution: 5 Tips to Ensure Timely Project Completion
Read more: Execution: 5 Tips to Ensure Timely Project CompletionThe post talks about thow to ensure timely projects execution
4 ways to help you achieve your new year resolution
Read more: 4 ways to help you achieve your new year resolutionThis is the time of the year when we are in the process of introspections and retrospections and we take new resolutions. So, what is your new year resolution this time? Every year, we do take some or other resolutions for ourself and gradually our memories and commitments fade away with time unless end of
Copyright Laws in India and about this Blog
Read more: Copyright Laws in India and about this BlogAll the bloggers and content creators should be aware of their rights. Copyright Laws in India is a primary resource to know about the Copyright laws in India and Exceptions I’m passionate about sharing knowledge and ideas on my blog, and I want to ensure that everyone who reads my content does so responsibly. To